Design emails your way
Drag & drop email builder
Build and customize every element of your email message intuitively. No code email development. Helpful pre-built modules and content blocks to streamline the process.
HTML & CSS code editor
Code emails from scratch or start in the Drag-n-Drop builder and then add custom HTML elements. You can use both D-n-D email template builder and HTML email editor simultaneously with no switching.

Push email messages to 80+ ESPs
Worryless export in one click. No misplaced email elements, no manual code setup required.
Pure email code that we provide you with ensures hustle-free migration and lets you work with several Email Service Providers at once.
Don’t use an ESP? Export email messages to your CRM through Zapier or Webhook, or push them to Gmail, Outlook. You can also download emails as PDF, Image, or HTML file if needed.
Speed up email production
Pre-built modules
Save you from the need to re-create the same email elements. Design content modules once and use them across multiple email campaigns.
Automatic email replacement
If you edit one of your trigger emails with Stripo and then push it to an ESP the new version will automatically appear in an existing workflow.
Bulk editing and export
Great feature if you need to update some elements of your emails simultaneously. For example, you can edit contact info in all email footers at once. Just activate synchronization between modules and done.
Easy translation process
Translate emails with Google right in the editor or embed custom translation in respective email blocks automatically. All the language versions can be exported in one click and stored compactly.
In-built AI writing assistant
Creative subject lines and email copу in just a few clicks.
Test email messages before sending them
Test traditional HTML and AMP HTML emails.
See how your email will render across 90+ devices.
Try the preview mode for desktops and mobiles.
Embedded spellchecker
Dark mode for email preview
Missing links and alt-texts highlights

Invite teammates to work with you

Assign custom roles and access levels
Invite writers, designers, proofreaders, or viewers with respective levels of access to your workspace. Collaborate with complete control of any changes your teammates make.
Share the results of your work for approval
Get a shareable link to the web version of an email or send the latter to your teammates’ email addresses.
Real-time co-editing
Enable multiple users to collaborate on an email simultaneously, similar to Google Docs, streamlining and accelerating email production.
1550+ free HTML email templates

Need a hand with your first template?
Our email designer can create it for you. Just fill in the brief and we`ll get back to you shortly.
Order a Custom TemplateSay goodbye to boring emails
Send mini-games, quizzes, feedback forms and surveys to engage your readers. No coding headache involved.
Try Game GeneratorAI subject line generator
Create click-worthy subject lines in seconds with our subject line generator. It is a free tool. No strings attached.
Try Subject Line GeneratorStripo plugin
The plugin can be easily customized to your requirements and integrated into any product.
Learn Morecompanies already use our email editor in their products

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